standing stock

美 [ˈstændɪŋ stɑːk]英 [ˈstændɪŋ stɒk]
  • 网络现存量;蕴藏量
standing stockstanding stock
  1. Contribution of phytoplankton standing stock for the particulate organic carbon in the Southern Ocean


  2. Phytoplankton standing stock and primary production in the front of Hangzhou Bay


  3. Study on standing stock table of Chinese pine in Fuxin artificial woods


  4. Standing stock table is a necessary tool for forestry management , whose precision directly affects the reliability of the forest survey .


  5. The seasonal distribution of the standing stock of phytoplankton in the source area of the Kuroshio and adjacent areas


  6. Primary productivity and the standing stock of photo-plankton in the Bering Sea during the summer of 2003 On Quantity


  7. It is the important way for enlarge material of processing plywood to use larch wood because it is rich in resources , and in standing stock .


  8. Standing stock table is a necessary tool for forestry management and science research , whose suitability of operating range and precision will affect the reliability of the forest survey .


  9. During the same survey , distribution characteristics of chlorophyll a concentrations were also analysed to further understanding of the role of phytoplankton standing stock on POC in this area .


  10. Size structure of standing stock and productivity and new production of phytoplankton in the Prydz Bay and the adjacent Indian sector of the Southern Ocean during the austral summer of 2001 / 2002


  11. Extraction and Determination of Biogenic Silica in Marine Phytoplankton Samples Collected with Plankton Net Primary productivity and the standing stock of photo-plankton in the Bering Sea during the summer of 2003


  12. A method of the integration of one modified parameter prediction model ( MPPM ) and one linear programming method was proposed to be used for predicting and simulating standing stock growths and selective cuttings of uneven-aged stands .


  13. In the Yellow Sea and East China Sea , the grazing impact on phytoplankton by copepod was relatively lower , which equivalent to 11.2 % of the chlorophyll-a standing stock during the spring cruise and 6.1 % ( range : 1.4-15.4 % ) during the autumn cruise .


  14. A general review of the theory of relative stem form and its application is given based on the variation law of relative stem and normal form factor , calculation of standing volume and standing stock , etc.
